Landmark Forum Results Blog

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Getting To What Matters

Having been through the Curriculum for Living and the Communication Curriculum, I regard  Landmark Education as the best investment that I ever made in myself. The results include  improvement in my family relationships and in expanding  my business practice as a financial strategist for retirement planning and mortgage planning in Florida, both related.

My son and I are now participating in the Team Management and Leadership Program. I get to see him as others see him, which is as a powerful leader. We get to coach each other!  When our family gets together for a weekend dinner, our conversation is not about how local sports teams are doing but what each each family member is up to in the world and how we can support each other.

Every day when we wake up we can make the choice or take responsibility for what we are going to create that day, including how our relationship with our spouse can be. When both of us realize this is up to us, a good day ensues. Communication is key. And yes, it is better to be happy than always right.
When our family has dinner together on the weekend, the conversation can be about what we are up to in the world and how we can support each other, not about the sport scores or complaining about trivial matters. The food tastes better, too.


“What I have found in myself and others as a result of participating in Landmark is the inestimable benefit of improved self-esteem, confidence and motivation. These are the key components of what some people are now calling ‘Emotional Intelligence’; they are also the prerequisites for success for learning, work and life.”

Sir Christopher Ball, Oxford scholar, knighted in 1988,
Chancellor Emeritus, University of Derby, UK

“The Landmark Forum is not magic. It is not scary or insidious. It is, in fact, simple common sense delivered in an environment of startling intensity. It is this intensity that makes the difference. While any one of us might well have already been told the same home truths by friends and family, we were too distracted by life and too wrapped up in our own defence mechanisms to listen.”

Ameila Hill The London Observer

"I received probably one of the best educations possible—Harvard, Duke, Yale, etc.—but the single course that made the biggest difference in my ability to live a happy, effective and fulfilling life—was The Landmark Forum."

Dr. Keith Berger, MD
CEO of the Center for Health and Cancer Prevention

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