Just wanted to share a breakthrough I’ve made. I started my community project called ‘100 Gratitude Rocks’ following my participation in the Landmark Education programme. The project involved sending 100 Gratitude Rocks to the people who have been a contribution to me and made a difference to my life with a request that the recipient then sends their one rock to someone who they feel has made a difference to them.
The idea being that this would start a never ending wave of gratitude around the planet. I created a blog, where I uploaded the Gratitude Rocks and the details of the things I admired in these people and why I was grateful. I am proud to say that the 100th rock was sent on its way last week and I am receiving comments to moderate from people I don’t even know most weeks as the rocks are being passed from person to person in far off shores such as USA, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. It’s been a wonderful adventure for me and I loved doing it. I feel so grateful for the ‘push’ to do something like this for the sheer hell of it and I am grateful that I proved I can be unstoppable. When I was starting the project, I was asked to consider the size of the community I wanted to impact. I realised that I wanted to create the possibility of affecgting everyone on the planet in a positive way. This project has this potiental so I am incredibly grateful that it has come into fruition.
If anyone wants to find out more you can find out about the project on this link….
Leiza Alpass
Bristol, UK