Landmark Forum Results Blog

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Landmark Forum First Hand Experiences

Renewing a Dream

“I can honestly say, I wouldn’t be teaching if it were not for the Landmark Forum and the courses I took here. I wanted to make a difference in the world. I wanted to make a difference with students. I wanted them to love literature. I love literature. I wanted to empower them to have voices and they didn’t seem to want to be empowered. And the education system didn’t seem to want to help me to empower them. And my paycheck definitely encouraged me to leave. Coming back into that classroom after I took this course [Landmark Forum] I can honestly tell you I wouldn’t rather be anywhere else in the world right now. I really wouldn’t. For me walking back into the classroom, nothing had changed. Nothing. It was the same situation, the same education system- everything that I had become resigned about. Yet my entire world was different. I could see each individual face. I could hear each individual student. It was a completely different experience. Totally different in my classroom.”

Being Someone Who Makes a Difference

“When I first moved in I knew no one in the building and I wasn’t really certain of meeting people. I am not very quick to meet people but I got to know each and ever person who lived in that building. I got to know them in a way that I got to be their champion and I got to be for them.

There were some situations that, you know, weren’t advantageous. You know the landlord and the management were kind of strict and hard and would immediately come down on you for any infraction. You paid one day late and they would send you a three day notice that you were gonna be evicted. It was just really crazy- a little ridiculous in how they were managing the apartment building. But there was a man there, one man in particular who did not have a lot of money. He was used to couple who had owned the building before and with this new owner he was just uncertain if he was going to be able to live there anymore. He didn’t have any other place to go. He din’t have many options given his limited income. He was an older man, probably over sixty, over sixty-five. He was not well health-wise and he was just on the line. He was barely making it so he wanted to some security and stability, to know he was going to have a place to live. I made sure he got taken care of. I made sure that I spoke up for him if he needed that. I made sure people were being fair about the management of the building. I made sure the landlord was being fair. In circumstances where I wouldn’t have normally spoken up, I spoke up.

Participating in Landmark’s programs [The Landmark Forum] allowed me to know myself to be someone who makes a real difference. I get to make that kind of difference with other people everyday.

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Partager Librement – Le Landmark Forum

website-headerLa vie est une exploration et une des 80000 personnes à participer au Landmark Forum chaque année est une Britannique qui partage son expérience des trois jours passés au Landmark Forum. Le scepticisme du premier jour laisse place à des pensées profondes le second jour et à une réelle révélation le troisième. Son témoignage est une fenêtre ouverte sur son parcours et les problèmes qui la préoccupent. Amy Taylor connue sous le nom de Wifi Life sur Youtube et autres réseaux sociaux, cherche à partager ses expériences personnelles avec les autres. Même si dans ses vidéos elle utilise parfois un langage un peu cru, elle rend compte de son expérience de manière ouverte et authentique. Elle aborde toutes les expériences possibles lors du Landmark Forum. De l’introspection intense aux expériences personnelles émouvantes en passant par l’humour que l’on peut trouver dans l’humanité de chacun.

Ces vidéos sont un excellent exemple du genre de choses que ressentent souvent les participants au cours des trois jours. Ces vidéos montrent surtout la différence que cela peut faire lorsque vous arrêtez votre cynisme et votre résignation à propos de votre propre vie mais aussi de celle des gens que vous aimez et que vous vous intéressez naturellement aux autres et à ce qui leur tient à cœur.

Le bureau de Landmark Forum à Londres est situé à quelques rues au nord de Euston Station sur Eversholt street dans North Central London et le Landmark Forum a généralement lieu plusieurs fois par mois. La liste complète des formations est disponible sur le site web de Landmark. Pour plus de récits personnels sur le Landmark Forum vous pouvez faire une recherche sur ce site ou chercher Landmark sur Facebook. Pour en savoir plus sur My Wifi Life, cliquez ici.

Landmark Forum: Découvrir Le Pouvoir De La Communauté

Découvrir le Pouvoir de la Communauté

À l’époque où j’ai participé au Landmark Forum, j’étais étudiant en deuxième année à l’université de Yale. J’ai été accepté à Yale pour la même raison que celle qui faisait que je réussissais dans d’autres domaines de ma vie. J’étais doué pour faire les choses différemment. Mon CV me démarquait des autres, j’avais soit un meilleur niveau que la moyenne ou soit je faisais des choses que les autres ne faisaient pas. Par exemple, seules quelques personnes de ma ville dans l’Oregon partaient faire des études dans un autre état ; je n’ai donc fait des demandes d’inscriptions que dans des universités d’autres états. Dans ma lettre de candidature, j’ai mis l’accent sur les choses peu communes que j’avais vécu : la pratique du rafting en eaux vives depuis mon plus jeune âge, le fait d’avoir vécu dans des pays étrangers, la création d’un groupe de jazz, et ainsi de suite. Lors de ma première année, j’ai eu l’occasion de discuter avec quelqu’un qui était présent lors des délibérations sur mon acceptation, et j’ai appris que ce qui avait fait penché la balance en ma faveur était exactement ce que j’avais mis en avant. Je donnais l’impression d’être spécial. Différent.

Ce que je n’avais pas compris c’est qu’être différent n’était pas une solution miracle. J’ai fini par me retrouver dans des situations dans lesquelles être différent n’était pas un avantage. Je commençais à prendre mes distances avec un bon nombre de mes camarades et je ne participais pas pleinement aux cours. Si je l’avais fais j’aurais « fait partie de la foule », ce qui m’aurait contraint à abandonner ce trait de caractère qui m’avait permis d’arriver jusque là. Si je n’avais pas été différent, qui aurais-je bien pu être ? Étant donné que je ne participais pas aux activités communautaires, j’ai commencé à perdre de l’emprise sur ma vie ; je me suis rendu compte que quasiment tout ce que l’on souhaite faire nécessite de compter sur les autres et puisque je m’isolais de toutes les personnes qui m’entouraient, ma capacité à accomplir des choses s’estompait de jour en jour.

Si l’on m’avait demandé pourquoi j’étais insatisfait dans la vie à cette époque, je n’aurais pas pu le dire. Je n’avais pas conscience que c’était parce que je m’entêtais à être différent. J’étais aveugle, je ne pouvais pas m’en rendre compte car cela faisait partie de moi. Mais cela m’a sauté aux yeux lorsque j’ai participé au Forum. La raison pour laquelle ma vie était au point mort et aussi frustrante m’a soudain parue évidente. Et lorsque vous avez conscience de quelque chose, vous pouvez agir dessus. J’ai commencé à considérer ma communauté comme quelque chose dont je faisais partie et je me suis mis à participer pleinement à mes cours avec mes camarades. Les résultats ont été quasi instantanés. À l’époque, je travaillais sur un projet qui consistait à envoyer un groupe d’étudiants dans une zone sortant d’un conflit près de la Russie mais le projet était sur le point de tomber à l’eau à cause du manque de financement. Peu de temps après le Forum, un membre de ma communauté m’a approché pour me proposer un moyen de financement. Je me suis alors impliqué avec mes professeurs qui me guidaient et me prodiguaient des conseils et une sagesse qui ont révolutionné ma carrière universitaire. Pour résumer, le Forum m’a permis de faire un immense pas en avant dans ma vie. Et tout a commencé en m’impliquant davantage dans ma communauté. Mon engagement m’a apporté le pouvoir de me créer la vie que je voulais vivre.

Soyez Sociable, Partagez !

Striking a Balance

Perhaps being a workaholic was the better way of being prior to the Forum, as at least while at work others came first.  During the day I truly was committed to service to others and fulfilled, then the night time came.  At night I was left with moments of being with myself & I would quickly try to fill with various activities.  I tried working out to playing piano for a few months at a time only to find myself bored and unfulfilled.  “There must be something,” was always the question that lead to the next “something.”

I will never forget the first day in the Forum as I stood at the microphone proclaiming a desire to take time out for myself after being asked why we were here.   On the stage stood an overly confident Dutch lady who I was convinced had nothing to offer me at that moment.   After all, I completed college with honors, medical school, and a residency in one of the most competitive residencies in the world. I listened to people as they came to the microphone quite captivatingly, which should have been a clue something was happening inside of me as outside of work I typically didn’t hear a thing people said.

After the start of the afternoon session I settled in and began to count the hours, “Nine more to go and four wasted.”. This was always my mentality since my first thoughts as a child.  Outside of my white coat,  Life was always about me first, then whoever else I could manipulate second, the rest fell in line wherever.   Sunday afternoon, around 4 pm, my life was over as I knew it because I got really present to “empty and meaningless.”

Out of that space of everything-nothing was created a life that was worth living on a level that I never dreamed possible.  Most importantly, I got that my family was the most precious jewel in the world and spoke to my mother and sisters about who they were and what was their life like.  My way of being with my family was transformed.

It was no longer me against them, or the rest of the world, it was me “with” them in the world.

Getting on the phone with all of my friends was the next task and catching those that I could at home if possible.  The conversations all began the same way “I have been being such an arrogant person and I have been making you wrong for….and I apologize.”  What happened every single time, with every single person, was magical.  The first line out of my best friends mouth was, “what did you do with Will?”.  A warm feeling overwhelmed me as I was present to a new possibility at the end of every call to complete with someone.

Being present with everyone in every moment since completing the curriculum is a golden opportunity to “listen for the gold,” re-create what’s shared, and then leave them in a world of possibility through the distinctions of the Landmark Forum.  My patients are now heard on a level they’ve never experienced before and my practice is growing faster than I can train new providers.  Now having completed the Communications Curriculum I am contribution to others through participating in the Landmark Assisting Program and will begin the Introductory Leadership Program in March 2012.  What I ultimately “got” from my participation in this education is the power to create others in the world as the possibility that they are, and not the limitations, or reasons, that they exist in.  I am an unstoppable force for transformation of the lives of others.

Will Richardson

Starting a Ripple Effect

Sara JasminI did the Landmark Forum in March 2013 and I’m currently in the Breakthroughs Seminar Series.

A lot of interesting things have happened related to Landmark. First of all, all the self development work I’d been doing lead to an amazing experience prior to doing the forum. For the fourth time in my life, a fourth person was talking to me about doing Landmark. I quickly cut him off saying ‘that stuff isn’t for me, I’m fine’ etc..
and then I saw myself, outside of myself, like I was a bird in the corner ceiling of the room. I was being the kind of person that I don’t like dealing with; closed minded and not even open to checking out if something could be for me. Then I apologized to my friend and asked him to repeat what he was saying about Landmark and agreed to go to an info evening.

There I experienced another breakdown; “Oh man! This guy wants $720!!
I just saved to buy a car!” So I considered my options and I realized, within that short time, that what I was being presented could be that something I was looking for. After all the self development I was stuck; I’d known for months that I was at a point in my life that I had realized there was some kind of barrier in between me and me being the awesome person I knew I had the potential to be. So I thought, “try it out” and registered. It was one of the best decisions of my life!

I remember sitting there at the forum thinking, “I’ve spent $720 on this, I should participate like they say and get my moneys worth.” I dared myself to put my hand up and shared something I thought I had dealt with and ‘sorted out’ already. I got more than $720 worth! I was confronted and it was raw and painful but worth it, sooo worth it! I GOT something right then, my first breakthrough! I was one of the first in that forum to create a ripple effect which I later shared with the participants as an amazing “boomerang – domino” effect.

People were coming up to me and thanking me and sharing what THEY GOT out of ME SHARING. That in turn eventually, made me realize that I had the power to make a difference in other peoples’ lives. That was a fantastic breakthrough for me because my passion is to help others!!

That boomerang – domino effect hasn’t stopped since then! I continue to share and I continue to empower others and some of them don’t even realize that they then do the same for me!

One of the most coolest things about doing the forum is that once you ‘get it’ you don’t lose it. Then u see it play out in every area of your life. Doing the work, participating in the seminar, stepping up as a leader in a group from the seminar, is teaching me how to incorporate what I’ve learned into other areas of my life. That is how those other areas are transforming into more happiness and more success. I realized, Landmark is not something you just do like a course at university and view it as something separate from other areas of your life. Thinking of it that way, limits your possibilities for happiness and success! Embracing it is giving me joy, peace, success and endless possibilities!

As for those barriers, they are now just breakdowns that I see as a challenge to overcome with what I’m learning because I know there is a fantastic breakthrough waiting for me on the other side!

Don’t get me wrong, Landmark is not about ‘fixing’ and it’s not about making me into someone that I’m not. It’s about getting access to what is already inside me – everything I need to be successful and happy.

Aukland, New Zealand


“What I have found in myself and others as a result of participating in Landmark is the inestimable benefit of improved self-esteem, confidence and motivation. These are the key components of what some people are now calling ‘Emotional Intelligence’; they are also the prerequisites for success for learning, work and life.”

Sir Christopher Ball, Oxford scholar, knighted in 1988,
Chancellor Emeritus, University of Derby, UK

“The Landmark Forum is not magic. It is not scary or insidious. It is, in fact, simple common sense delivered in an environment of startling intensity. It is this intensity that makes the difference. While any one of us might well have already been told the same home truths by friends and family, we were too distracted by life and too wrapped up in our own defence mechanisms to listen.”

Ameila Hill The London Observer

"I received probably one of the best educations possible—Harvard, Duke, Yale, etc.—but the single course that made the biggest difference in my ability to live a happy, effective and fulfilling life—was The Landmark Forum."

Dr. Keith Berger, MD
CEO of the Center for Health and Cancer Prevention

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