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Landmark Forum: Découvrir Le Pouvoir De La Communauté

Découvrir le Pouvoir de la Communauté

À l’époque où j’ai participé au Landmark Forum, j’étais étudiant en deuxième année à l’université de Yale. J’ai été accepté à Yale pour la même raison que celle qui faisait que je réussissais dans d’autres domaines de ma vie. J’étais doué pour faire les choses différemment. Mon CV me démarquait des autres, j’avais soit un meilleur niveau que la moyenne ou soit je faisais des choses que les autres ne faisaient pas. Par exemple, seules quelques personnes de ma ville dans l’Oregon partaient faire des études dans un autre état ; je n’ai donc fait des demandes d’inscriptions que dans des universités d’autres états. Dans ma lettre de candidature, j’ai mis l’accent sur les choses peu communes que j’avais vécu : la pratique du rafting en eaux vives depuis mon plus jeune âge, le fait d’avoir vécu dans des pays étrangers, la création d’un groupe de jazz, et ainsi de suite. Lors de ma première année, j’ai eu l’occasion de discuter avec quelqu’un qui était présent lors des délibérations sur mon acceptation, et j’ai appris que ce qui avait fait penché la balance en ma faveur était exactement ce que j’avais mis en avant. Je donnais l’impression d’être spécial. Différent.

Ce que je n’avais pas compris c’est qu’être différent n’était pas une solution miracle. J’ai fini par me retrouver dans des situations dans lesquelles être différent n’était pas un avantage. Je commençais à prendre mes distances avec un bon nombre de mes camarades et je ne participais pas pleinement aux cours. Si je l’avais fais j’aurais « fait partie de la foule », ce qui m’aurait contraint à abandonner ce trait de caractère qui m’avait permis d’arriver jusque là. Si je n’avais pas été différent, qui aurais-je bien pu être ? Étant donné que je ne participais pas aux activités communautaires, j’ai commencé à perdre de l’emprise sur ma vie ; je me suis rendu compte que quasiment tout ce que l’on souhaite faire nécessite de compter sur les autres et puisque je m’isolais de toutes les personnes qui m’entouraient, ma capacité à accomplir des choses s’estompait de jour en jour.

Si l’on m’avait demandé pourquoi j’étais insatisfait dans la vie à cette époque, je n’aurais pas pu le dire. Je n’avais pas conscience que c’était parce que je m’entêtais à être différent. J’étais aveugle, je ne pouvais pas m’en rendre compte car cela faisait partie de moi. Mais cela m’a sauté aux yeux lorsque j’ai participé au Forum. La raison pour laquelle ma vie était au point mort et aussi frustrante m’a soudain parue évidente. Et lorsque vous avez conscience de quelque chose, vous pouvez agir dessus. J’ai commencé à considérer ma communauté comme quelque chose dont je faisais partie et je me suis mis à participer pleinement à mes cours avec mes camarades. Les résultats ont été quasi instantanés. À l’époque, je travaillais sur un projet qui consistait à envoyer un groupe d’étudiants dans une zone sortant d’un conflit près de la Russie mais le projet était sur le point de tomber à l’eau à cause du manque de financement. Peu de temps après le Forum, un membre de ma communauté m’a approché pour me proposer un moyen de financement. Je me suis alors impliqué avec mes professeurs qui me guidaient et me prodiguaient des conseils et une sagesse qui ont révolutionné ma carrière universitaire. Pour résumer, le Forum m’a permis de faire un immense pas en avant dans ma vie. Et tout a commencé en m’impliquant davantage dans ma communauté. Mon engagement m’a apporté le pouvoir de me créer la vie que je voulais vivre.

Soyez Sociable, Partagez !

Landmark Forum Được Dịch Tiếng Việt Tháng Mười 2013

Đây là những chia sẻ về kinh nghiệm biến đổi, trãi nghiệm yêu thương và kết quả đạt được của những người tốt nghiệp Landmark Forum. Những lời chứng thực này đến từ sự nối lại mối liên hệ của họ với gia đình sau bao nhiêu năm, sau bao nhiêu thập kỷ họ đã chán nản bỏ mặc những khả năng của họ, những khả năng đem tình gia đình trở lại tràn đầy, trọn vẹn, và hoàn hảo như thuở ban đầu.
Những người tốt nghiệp này đại diện cho khả năng yêu thương của tất cả các gia đình Việt Nam. Họ sống trong tình yêu thương gia đình và họ sống trong tự do với chính con người thật của họ.

Landmark Forum sắp tới được dịch ra tiếng Việt sẻ mở vào ngày 18, 19, 20, và 22,  tháng Mười, năm 2013.
Để biết thêm thông tin bằng tiếng Anh, xin vui lòng liên hệ với Ann tại (832) 859-9388 và bằng tiếng Việt Nam, xin vui lòng liên hệ với Thúy (713) 304-1710.

The evolution of a project

In 2009, my SELP project was to create a social network in the primary school of my daughters, in order to develop links among the community of parents and with the teachers, for the best of our children and a better mutual understanding in a multi cultural environment.

Yesterday, we have received a confirmation from the local council that our school will be rebuilt in a global project that integrates autistic children. A project that we have supported for years. I have learned something very key : no need to worry to reach the result fast, what is important is to keep acting.

Celine Bouquerel

7 Years and Counting

Alan Daurie Thank you Landmark for the life you gave me access to 7 years ago this month. I took the Landmark Forum to divorce my wife after 14 years of estrangement in a 21 year marriage and as a surprise result fell in love with her again.

We recently celebrated our 28th year Anniversary.

I spent almost 55 years of not dancing and being fearful of being found out I couldn’t dance. It grew to a phobia like fear until I created a new possibility of enjoying dancing with my wife that had me lit up more than my fear and I became accomplished in modern ballroom dancing and also Victorian Ballroom…the latter of which I became a member of a dance cast and a dance host for. I have danced with about 1700 ladies in the 4 years since I took on the role of dance host each Dickens Christmas Fair. I ended my old relationship of avoidance with my mother. It had got so bad when I grew up that I joined the Army during Vietnam for my safety. This year 40 years of avoidance after that event I created a new possibility with my mother. I now have the kind of mother I had always wanted….one who loved me, who was proud of me, who wanted my success. I get to love my mother.

I took on my health dropping 70# in 6 months from 290# as I lived into a new possibility of vitality. My mobility was at stake. With 2 bad knees I saw myself as likely to be in an electric scooter soon. Instead I have more mobility than I have had in at least a decade. With the same 2 bad knees I added schottiche, the mazurka waltz and polka to what I do as a Victorian Ballroom dance host and dancing from opening to closing each weekend of Dickens Fair I was keeping up with the 20 year olds I was dancing polka with and I am 59.

My effectiveness as a Teamsters Union leader has skyrocketed and I get to take this education with me in case presentation, in negotiations, in making both my members and the employers being gotten and valued. I get to make a huge contribution. I also am starting my 7th year as an Introduction Leader for Landmark in Sacramento CA.

Can’t wait to see what I take on next.

Thank you!

-Alan Daurie
Sacramento, CA

Supporting Survivors of SexTrafficking

I just wanted to share with you all what a blessing this work has been to me. I did the Landmark Forum in 2009 and continued on the Advanced Course in Fall 2011. I am now in my Self Expression and Leadership Program and finally, I truly understand the difference this work has made for me. For my project, I am creating The Love Muffin Project with my community. It’s a dessert and cocktail party to raise awareness and support for survivors of sex trafficking in the New York area.

It has been such an amazing journey as I’ve seen the project literally take on a life of its own. Everyone in my community has taken part in the project and I have been able to introduce countless people to the cause. But personally, I have finally ‘gotten out of my own way’ and decided to start my own business as a part of this experience! Not only will the event be a fun night and help meet the

$10,000 fundraising goal that we set, but it will also be my debut as a baker with my company Love Sweet NYC! Talk about being unstoppable!


I never would have done this for myself had I not participated in Landmark Education. I have seen myself take on challenges and go after my dreams like never before. It has made a tremendous impact on my relationships, both personal and professional. I’m even being recognized for my patience. Now, that is a breakthrough, if nothing else.

I have also recognized how happy I am when I live to make a difference for others. I want to use my gifts to help and empower others and will donate 10% of the proceeds from my business to charitable organizations.

If you would like more information, please visit:

Facebook: The Love Muffin Project

Twitter: @LoveMuffinNYC


Krystian Dennis

New York, NY

Making a Difference

I did my forum in February 2010 and created a space for my grandson to be born into pure love and light and the generations of abuse in our family history was finished. I have now assisted in three forums most recently two weekends ago and really found my heart/voice connection and created passionately supporting my School System in the face of a 6+ million dollar budget cut. I was powerfully vocal in a room of many people as a stand for working together and taking responsibility for our schools and it resonated with many in the room.

I am being a cause for solutions and as a result am more passionately in love with my life than ever before!

Cheri Griffin

The Power of Thanks

By: Vidhi Desai

 I participated in the Landmark Forum and also the advanced course. It has been one of the best experiences in life. The biggest eye opener for me was the power of community. The fact that I could make a difference in my community. It gave me the strength to believe that every single person can bring about great results and impact the community.

Hereby, I am taking one small step to making an impact in the society.

I recently have started a blog on the Power Of Thanks. I strongly believe that our life is too short and there are too many people who have influenced our lives in some ways or other and we don’t thank them enough. We spend a lot of our time in thinking why something is not the way it should be.

Hence this is a small effort to spread love amongst us and thank all those who have helped us. Please help me in building this community.

Please visit and submit your “Thank You” and help us in making a difference.

If you have any questions, please email

If it were not for Landmark, I would not have been able to take an initiative like this.

Thank you Landmark


“What I have found in myself and others as a result of participating in Landmark is the inestimable benefit of improved self-esteem, confidence and motivation. These are the key components of what some people are now calling ‘Emotional Intelligence’; they are also the prerequisites for success for learning, work and life.”

Sir Christopher Ball, Oxford scholar, knighted in 1988,
Chancellor Emeritus, University of Derby, UK

“The Landmark Forum is not magic. It is not scary or insidious. It is, in fact, simple common sense delivered in an environment of startling intensity. It is this intensity that makes the difference. While any one of us might well have already been told the same home truths by friends and family, we were too distracted by life and too wrapped up in our own defence mechanisms to listen.”

Ameila Hill The London Observer

"I received probably one of the best educations possible—Harvard, Duke, Yale, etc.—but the single course that made the biggest difference in my ability to live a happy, effective and fulfilling life—was The Landmark Forum."

Dr. Keith Berger, MD
CEO of the Center for Health and Cancer Prevention

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